How to count from 0 to 100 in Japanese

Do you know how to count in Japanese?
First, let’s hear numbers in Japanese from 0 to 10 from the audio below!

Did you get it? Now let’s learn one by one!

If you click “+” on the right of each number, the audio and translation will appear.

ゼロ・zero / れい・rei

*0 has two pronunciation




し ・shi
*there are two ways of pronunciation for 4



*7 also has two ways of pronunciation


く  ・ku
*9 also has two ways of pronunciation


To check if you understand numbers in Japanese or not, let’s now hear telephone number and take notes.

Here we go!

Too difficult? You can hear many times before checking the answer below.

849 0137 5260
Denwa bangou wa
hachi yon kyuu zero ichi san nana go ni roku zero desu.
(でんわばんごうは、はち よん きゅう ぜろ いち さん なな ご に ろく ぜろ です。)

  • Denwa bangou(でんわばんごう):Phone Number
  • Denwa bangou wa____desu.:My phone number is ____.

Was your answer correct?

If you already remember from 1 to 10, then from 11 to 99 is not that difficult.
Here’s how it works.

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How to count 11 to 99 in Japanese

11 is 10 plus 1.

So you just need to put 10 and 1 together.


  • 12: じゅうに・jyuu-ni
  • 13: じゅうさん・jyuu-san
  • 14: じゅうよん・jyuu-yon(shi)
  • 15: じゅうご・jyuu-go
  • 16: じゅうろく・jyuu-roku
  • 17: じゅうなな・jyuu-nana(shichi)
  • 18: じゅうはち・jyuu-hachi
  • 19: じゅうきゅう・jyuu-kyuu(ku)

20 is 2 times 10.
So you just need to say 2 and 10, that is;


21 is 20+1 that is;


Now, let’s check your understanding.

How do you say these number in Japanese?

39 / 54 / 67 / 78 / 82 / 99

  • 39 : Sanjyuu-kyuu
  • 54 : Gojyuu-yon
  • 67 : Rokujyuu-nana
  • 78 : Nanajyuu-hachi
  • 82 : Hachijyuu-ni
  • 99 : Kyuujyuu-kyuu

How was it?

Starting from now, everytime you look at numbers, try to say them in Japanese!
It will be a good practice for you.

Oh, I forgot to tell you how to say one-hundred in Japanese.
100 in Japanese is ひゃく(hyaku)

I will write about how to count number above 100 later.
See you soon!