なつこ先生のEasy-Japanese Podcast #2 習い事【B1-B2 Level】

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Today’s topic is about extra-curricular activities.

習い事      extra-curricular activities

When I was little, I did quite a lot of extra-curricular activities.

小さい頃   When I was little

結構     quite

First I started with ballet and calligraphy. After entering elementary school, I did swimming, dancing, gymnastics, and also piano.

習字  calligraphy

水泳  swimming

体操  gymnastics

I don’t really remember what brought me to start calligraphy and ballet.

きっかけ    trigger (things that made you start something)

覚えていない  do not remember

when I was little, I lived in an apartment complex, and there was a community center there. They offered ballet and calligraphy classes, so I learned them because everyone else was doing it, not because I wanted to.

団地   apartment complex

お稽古  lesson

〜からというよりは、・・・から not because 〜 but because・・・

That’s why I didn’t enjoy it much, and ended up quitting soon after.

だから     that’s why

それで     so

辞める     quit

〜ちゃいました ended up〜ing

After entering elementary school, I started doing most of the activities that I wanted to do. One that I’m glad I did is swimming.

〜てよかった    I’m glad that I did〜

Because I learned swimming when I was young, I didn’t struggle much in school PE classes, and even as an adult, I sometimes go to the pool, which is quite good exercise.

体育の授業     PE Class

〜おかげで     Thanks to〜

苦労する      struggle

大人        adult

 I actually hated playing the piano at first because the teacher was very strict.

実は      actually

嫌だ      hate

厳しい     strict

But after I changed the teacher, I came to love that teacher, so I ended up continuing to play the piano until I graduated from university. Even now, I keep in touch with that teacher and sometimes play the piano when I have free time.

変える     change

結局〜する   end up 〜ing

続ける     continue

連絡を取る   keep in touch

ピアノを弾く  play the piano

 I only did dancing and gymnastics for about a year each, but I really enjoyed both. The reason I quit was that I became a bit busy in upper elementary school.

1年ずつ         one year each

〜しかしなかった    only did〜

理由          reason

高学年         upper grade

忙しくなってきた    become busy

 I went to cram school in junior high and high school, but my parents weren’t that strict, so they were like “you can go if you need to”. So I only went to cram school once a week.

塾          cram school

必要なら       if you need to

週に1回しか〜ません  only〜once a week

My friends around me went to cram school every day and worked hard, but I would rather preferred fun extracurricular activities. What kind of extracurricular activities have you done so far?Please let me know!

周りの友達    friends around me

頑張る      work hard

どちらかというと would rather

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